Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Its here....a birthday month.

Ah...September. I used to really look forward to it, as it is my birthday month. Its actually a busy birthday month for me, as one of my bff's shares the same birthday with me. Crazy huh? To top it off, Mr. Shorty-Cake's birthday is 4 days before mine.

What the heck am I gonna get him?

This year it seems particularly difficult...I mean the dude has everything. Besides an actual gift, I'm trying to figure out a good place to take him for dinner (some of our close buds will be with us too) so it would have to accomodate a group of at least 10 people.

Any suggestions??

On a COMPLETELY side note, I almost died the other day. I was walking out of The Coffee Bean and headed to my car when I saw him driving....

Yes, people he was right next me at the stop light. I almost died! ;)


Anonymous said...

I knew there was a reason why we got along. We are both September babies. Yeah, you start to not look forward to those days any more. In my family, they never made a big fuss, but I usually got a nice dinner and a few presents out of it. But my b-day wasn't like what some of these kids expect these days, complete with fancy parties, fancy cupcakes, tons of b-day loot.

Anyway, we still need to get together. Maybe we can toast each others' birthdays with some Coffee Bean or a real drink. :)

weezermonkey said...

Becks! So handsome, even if soccer bores me to tears. :)

R said...

I'm no real help. I'm still trying to figure out what to do for Hubbs birthday on Saturday. :/ Good luck!

And yum to your drive-by!

wan said...

shut up, you got a real-life glimpse of becks! that's an early birthday present ;)

hey, september is my birfday too!

Winnie said...

So hot!

Cee said...

i would've fainted if I saw him. You lucky gal.