Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Trying to catch up....

I've been tagged by a few of my blogging buds, so I have to complete the task! :) I would've done it already...but I spent my day making these. There are only a dozen in the picture, because I had already eaten quite a few of 'em! more can't really hurt!

I am actually looking forward to tv tonight. "Rescue Me" with Dennis Leary is back, and "Traveler" on ABC (which I'm hoping wont get canceled..) I'll be watching those shows and working on a buttload of invitation stuff. Yeah, I said "buttload"

Off to eat one more cupcake!


weezermonkey said...

OMG! Po and I were just saying the same thing about Traveler! If it gets canceled, we will be SO bummed! We used to watch John Doe, Reunion, The Nine, and Daybreak, and we had no resolution for all of those canceled shows!

I would also like to inform you that my word verification for this comment was "dorkk." Ha!

dapotato said...

your kitchen is so cute! love the talavera tile and retro stove.

and the cupcakes look pretty dang good, too. =9

R said...

Those cupcakes look yummy. You're forgiven for your tardy meme responses. For now. :)

wan said...

mmmmm. cupcakes. between you and nanners, i'm surprised i haven't found myself in the kitchen to bake yet.