We wake up early. Mr. Shorty-cake doesn't even need the alarm clock to wake him up. I got up to work on some invitation stuff, and turned on the radio. Well....Ryan Seacrest just anounced where the "Free Gas Friday" location was, and it wasn't too far away. I told Mr. Shorty-cake to grab some Starbucks and go! Its free gas for the first 102 cars, and with an SUV....free gas sounds great! He just called me....
He's car #90.
Sweet. :)
january dumpin’
5 days ago
Very nice!!!
dude, awesome! my hub wouldn't dream of sitting in line for free gas. "i'll just buy mine so i don't have to wait" is what he'd say.
yay for free fuel!
My hubby does not love me that much, but, then again, the gas would really be for himself anyway. ;)
That rules.
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