Sunday, November 19, 2006

Can't wait for the turkey...

I love Thanksgiving. I love eating stuffing, mashed potatoes, and everything that goes with it......especially PUMPKIN pie! I can't believe how fast the year is just flying by. We usually make a few stops for the holiday, but this year we are only making one trip to see some family, and then we can come home, and eat again! I think I read somewhere that no matter how much you eat in one day, you can only gain one pound! Thats good news, since I like to try to eat as much as possible.

Then it will be time to shop for more Chrismukkah gifts! I want sooooo many things its ridiculous, at least thats what Mr. Shorty Cake keeps tellin' me........

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm here.

Well, after a really busy week, and a few days without the internet.....I'm back. I'm just waiting for Mr. Shorty Cake to get home with my peppermint latte from coffee bean! I can't believe the holidays are just around the corner.....YES, I've started shopping, YES, Mr. Shorty Cake is trying to find out what I've bought for him, and YES I'm trying so hard not to tell him! I'm also trying to have my holiday card completed early enough, and I'll be creating some invitations for some friends that are getting married. Sheesh...I'm tired just thinking about it!

We went out for my belated birthday with Mrs. RoRo and her was super fun, and super yummy! She also gave me a really beautiful necklace that I love! Can't wait to hang out with them again.......we always have a great time!

Gettin' my hair cut this weekend....FINALLY!! Oh I can't wait. I'm also gonna try to check out the Paul Frank collabo sale this weekend. Limited edition items from past collaborations will be on sale. I really wanna go!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Today is a celebration!

Today is a holiday. In Mexico, today (Thursday) is the "Dia de los Muertos" or "Day of the Dead." It is basically a celebration of the lives of our loved ones that have passed on. You certainly don't have to BE Mexican to celebrate this day, as we ALL have friends and/or family that have passed away. People sometimes set up mini "altars" to remember the dead with pictures, flowers, and any special thing that person may have loved during their lifetime.

Mr. Shorty Cake lost his dad a few years ago, and my grandfather passed away earlier this year. We miss them dearly, but we have so many great memories of them both! I am posting a pic of the altar I it is just a small way to remember them.